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Click on the image above to check out our booklet on project outcomes and results "LIVESEED - Boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe", published November 2020.

Become a stakeholder

LIVESEED is a Horizon 2020-funded project that runs from 2017 to 2021.

The objective of LIVESEEED is to improve transparency and competitiveness of the organic seed and breeding sector, encouraging greater use of organic seed.

Cultivars adapted to organic systems are key for realising the full potential of organic agriculture in Europe.

As an engaged company or person in the organic seed and breeding sector you are invited to become a member of our stakeholder platform.

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The LIVESEED consortium

LIVESEED has 49 partners covering 18 European countries. The consortium includes multiple actors from: research institutes, breeding companies, seed companies, organic associations (farmers, processors, retailers) and national authorities.

Liveseed partners Placeholder
Liveseed partners

Organic Farm Knowledge Platform