The first LIVESEED booklet, “How to implement the organic regulation to increase production & use of organic seed”, has been published. It is divided into 3 main sections:
- Policy measures (from incentives to organic seed production & use, to practical implementation of organic regulation)
- Organic Seed Databases (national databases & EU Router Database)
- Alternative sources of organic seed (from farm-saved seed to Organic Heterogeneous Material)
Practical examples from various EU countries help to illustrate how the organic regulation or measures to increase organic seed production and use have been successfully implemented. You find the booklet in the Publications section of this website.
Furthermore, 2 new LIVESEED videos have been produced and uploaded. In these videos, farmers from different EU member states explain in their own words why they use organic seed, and what their personal motivations are. The aim of the videos is to motivate more farmers to use organic seed and show to other stakeholders how important it is that organic seed is available for organic farmers.
100% organic means full credibility and trust, and starts with the seeds organic farmers use. Organic seeds, adapted and acclimatised to the soil and environment and resistant to pests and diseases, are the basis of organic production, reducing the level of inputs and risk of residues while increasing production and quality at lower costs, creating a closed system, and maintaining biodiversity. If all organic farmers and gardeners start to ask for organic seed, they motivate also other seed companies to invest in organic seed. Using only organic seeds bears potential for the organic sector to expand faster and better, increasing the transparency in the organic supply chain.
We hope you will enjoy watching the videos and find them useful!
Find here the links to the videos: