The LIVESEED project is contributing with a colourful program to the Organic World Congress in 2021. Organised on 8-10 September 2021 in Rennes, France, in part by LIVESEED partners, the Congress is an excellent opportunity to showcase our results and recommendations.
A pre-conference to the main Congress will take place on the 6 and 7 September 2021: Seed Ambassadors: Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems. It will be hybrid event and registration to the main congress is needed to register to the pre-conference. To register for in-person attendance, please visit: If you have already registered to the OWC main congress, you can add your registration to the pre-conference via the registration portal.
The pre-conference will focus on culinary diversity and explore potentials to breed for taste, discuss plant breeding approaches and models for supporting the transition to truly sustainable food systems, including participatory plant breeding and seeds as commons as tools to integrate biodiversity in society. It will aim to support the next generation of organic plant breeders and seed ambassadors. The pre-conference will involve a field visit, 7 thematic workshops, and a joint event with LIVESEED’s sister projects BRESOV and ECOBREED. The full program can be downloaded from here.
Main Congress
Day 1 – 8 September, Wednesday
09:00 – 10:30: Exchange session (on-site): Engagement.biobreeding, an initiative of FiBL will discuss the integration of organic plant breeding into the organic value chain (Parallel 1 (digital), Stakeholder Forum).
11:00 - 12:30: Exchange Session: Taste the innovation of seed ambassadors (on-site) – STA – Parallel 2 (digital) Stakeholder Forum
In this workshop, Micaela Colley (OSA) and Edwin Nuijten (DBH, NL) will present the results of the Pre-Conference (see 6-7th Sept 2021) Seed Ambassadors: Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems, and discussions will take place on the key questions regarding the implementation of the systems-based breeding approach in the different sectors and in society.
15:30 - 17:00 Oral Presentations by LIVESEED partners: Plant breeding and food quality – SCI – Parallel 2 (digital) Science Forum
In this session, Edwin Nuijten from De Beersche Hoeve will share experiences on breeding vegetables for quality and taste from the Netherlands, while Adrian Rodriguez Burruezo (UPV, Spain) will present LIVESEED results on tomato and pepper breeding from using ancient landraces. LIVESEED Advisory Committee Member Micaela Coley from the Organic Seed Alliance will bring an example of carrot breeding that created added value for growers and consumers.
17:30 – 19:00 Oral Presentations by LIVESEED partners: Plant breeding for organic cereals – SCI – Parallel 2 (digital) Science Forum
Carl Vollenweider from Dottenelderhof (Germany) will present his findings on the agronomic performance of heterogeneous cereal populations.
Day 2 – 9 September, Thursday
09:00 – 10:30 During the Oral Presentations Session on Collaborative approach for resilient food systems: seeds – Parallel 2 (digital) Dr. Stephanie Klaedtke from ITAB will present approaches to plant and seed health for organic agriculture in the Farmers and Advisors Forum.
Parallel to this session, Judit Feher and Szilvia Bencze from ÖMKi will present experiences with On-farm testing of emmer and einkorn landraces under organic conditions and ancient wheat varieties as a tool for diversification, in the Science Forum session on Arable crops (SCI – Parallel 5 digital).
Parallel to these sessions, in the Science Forum session on Plant Health management I, Christine Arncken (FiBL-CH) will present LIVESEED results on white lupin (Lupinus albus) anthracnose resistance pre-breeding project in Switzerland.
11:00 - 12:30 Exchange Session: How to increase production and use of organic seed? State of the art and best practices – STA – Parallel 3 (digital) Stakeholder Forum
Freya Schaefer (FiBL-DE) and LIVESEED partners will discuss: the present the state of organic seed production and use in Europe and the US, based on the outcomes of the surveys conducted in Europe and in the US by the Organic Seed Alliance, and present incentives in place and good practice exemplars. Through interactive facilitated discussions, the event will discuss sustainable forms of incentives for the future development of the organic seed sector.
Exchange Session: In the Science Forum, Dr Stephanie Klaedte (ITAB) will discuss whether plant and seed health in organic systems are embedded in or disconnected from interactions with microbial communities, in the session on Plant and soil health: systems approaches.
15:30 - 17:00 Oral Presentations by LIVESEED partners: Organic plant breeding and participatory approaches – SCI – Parallel 2 (digital) Science forum
In this session, three LIVESEED partners will present. Edwin Nuijten from De Beersche Hoeve will talk about the implementation of the systems-based approach, Eva Winter (FiBL-CH) will present LIVESEED’s findings on assessing policy interventions to reduce derogations of non-organic seed use in organic productions, Francesco Solfanelli (from the University of Ancona, Italy) will talk about the results of a research on organic national seed databases in the EU.
Parallel to these sessions, Riccardo Bocci from Rete Semirurali, Italy, will talk about developing innovative seed systems for organic farming in the Stakeholder Forum session on Genetic diversity – Parallel 3 (digital).
17:30 – 19:00 Oral Presentations by LIVESEED partners:
Drivers & tools for organic development – SCI – Parallel 3 (digital) Science Forum: LIVESEED’s study on consumers’ viewpoints towards NBT techniques will be presented by Raffaele Zanoli (UNIVPM).
Parallel to this session, in the Science Forum Session on Organic plant breeding and systems approaches, Parallel 2 (digital), Monika Messmer will present the LIVESEED project and its main recommendations, followed by a presentation by Ambrogio Costanzo from the Organic Research Center in the UK on a participatory wheat variety program.